Monday, August 08, 2005

Camera Image Issue (see below for example photo)

Look for shadow at bottom of image around the 7 o'clock position. Another dark spot in the sky just about the buildings in about the 1 o'clock position. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Great pic...what are the shadows?


Trée said...

The shadows should not be there. I posted this pic so some friends could take a look at the issue I am having the the camera. Those two shadows are on all the pics I took this morning and I'm not exactly sure why. I had posted for help and someone suggested I post a picture so others could see what I was talking about.

Anonymous said...

That looks like you either have a dirtly lens...hopefully on the outside of it...or if you're unlucky, it's dust on the inside. Shouldn't happen...but it's not impossible.

If you can't fix it yourself, you can send me the originals and I will give you a hand with it :)
Nice piccies though :D

Trée said...

Afraid it's not the lens. I change lenses and spots still there and I removed the lens and the spots are still there. So it's something on the inside.

Anonymous said... about the mirror inside the camera? I'm sure there's a fancy name for it, but it's still a mirror....

Trée said...

lol--nah, it's still called a mirror. I might be wrong here, as I often am, but I believe the mirror does not affect the final image, only your view of it through the viewfinder. Could be we're talking about two different things. I got a feeling the CMOS sensor (which acts like the film in a digital camera) is what is not behaving. Then again, if I knew, I would fix it wouldn't I. LOL

Anonymous said...

There's always the camera doctor ;)
And Photoshop :D

Trée said...

Photoshop is my friend. How did I live without it--LOL.

Anonymous said...

hehehe...we all either love it or hate it...just the way it is :)