Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Tell your son it's okay to go in the water--lol. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Is that just a dolphin on his side? Or is it really a shark!!!


Trée said...

I believe it's a porpoise. If it's a shark, then this island is surround by hundreds of them--lol. And they are moving in close. Visit my other blog to see the non-cropped version of this pic to see how close it is to shore. Just click on my profile and then on my VG2 blog.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it is just porpoises. Btw, I didn't tell him not to go in the water at all, I told him not to go in past his knees (or where he could not see his feet!)...lol..okay, I am an over protective mother! He looks like he is having a great time! Tell him to call Evan if he has the opportunity (he has called looking for him...he was soooo disappointed when I told him that Chris was out of town!)
